Here are details and tickets for our concerts, workshops and events. We regularly update this page so please visit again to find new information. Most concerts and workshops may be booked through this website; some tickets are only available directly from the venue or organiser so please see the relevant booking information for details. When booking online, you will receive a confirmation of your ticket purchase by email which includes your ticket number – your booking will also be listed with the box office or at the event entrance. We do not send out separate tickets by post or email.
We have not listed Caroyn’s Dartmoor residential women’s workshops here – you can find out more about them here: Women’s Workshops
Detailed information about Nigel’s flute making workshops may be found here: Flute Making Workshops
Cancellation policy: All our event and concert tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable if the cancellation is made by you. Workshop cancellation policies are detailed on your booking or application form – thank you for your understanding. Concession tickets: these are always available for students and those on low income benefits.

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