We welcome you to this website, to the hearth fire of our ancestor roundhouse and to this place of wild sanctuary on Dartmoor. We live and work in the heart of the southwest moors, amid the high hills, upland streams and misted valleys. Here we create music albums and concerts, books and paintings, traditional flutes and drums, women’s workshops and instrument making weekends, small festivals and gentle gatherings on our ancient farm. Within these pages you can hear audio samples from our music, wander around recent releases and new publications, find out about our concert and workshop programme, explore our library of films or dip into the archives to see past projects. Our music label Seventh Wave Music pages are marked with a spiral, our publishing house Braided River Books pages are marked with a wing.
We hope you will enjoy your visit to this online roundhouse.
For regular news and updates you can find us on Instagram: carolynhillyer.nigelshaw & braidedriver.weaverstrail.
Latest News
Winter Thanks & Blessings
With many thanks for your support of our work during all these many years of creating and sharing. And deep blessings to your winter journey – may you travel gently
Book of Hag (Peat)
The second season of Carolyn’s BOOK OF HAG has just been published and continues the journey through old age and towards ancientness that was explored in the first volume. Old
Through the Heron’s Marsh
This winter sees the publication of Carolyn’s new cycle of paintings, the Marsh Women or mûkthno wailî, and we have created a beautiful limited edition collection of paintings and peat
Throughout the year Nigel has been continuing work on his beautiful new album, LICHENHEART, a deep mythical exploration of the dreamscape of the ancient land. This album will now be released in the spring next year…
This Remembered Earth
The second in our braid of new albums has been released! You can order now on CD or download.
The Creel & the Crock & the Cauldron
Carolyn’s new album is a wild blend of song weavings, spell bindings, soul ballads and comic ditties, all stirred into a magical pot. This album is available now as physical album or download…
Ancestral organic t-shirts
We now have an ancestral clothing range! Five choices of beautiful climate neutral organic cotton T-shirts inspired by songs and images from our albums, and featuring ancient Scandinavian and Siberian rock carvings. Profit donations to Survival…
The Weavers’ Trail
A women’s soul pilgrimage into ritual landscape, wild shrines and sacred hearth. Our sister website, the Braided River, contains details about Carolyn’s online rolling workshop programme. You are welcome to dip a toe into the this river…
Weavers’ Oracle
The Weavers’ Oracle has become a deeply loved classic work and continues to travel all around the world. Also now available with German, Russian and Slovakian translations. Thanks to everyone who has helped this oracle to fly so far…
The Global Collective
This dance music collective and newest incarnation of Global, created and curated by Nigel, will continue to evolve into 2025 – watch out for gig dates!